Sunday, December 4, 2011


9 out of 10
Joe and Seth having a laugh
Hard for me to judge how good this film really is because it so successfully worked a number on me. Sometimes movies just put you in your place, and watching this autobiographical story about a dude (about my age) who gets cancer, quickly sharpens up some perspective. I mean life is hard enough just being a healthy human being, let alone having to deal with something like cancer.

The film is actually quite well made which helps. The tone seems genuine and right. There's a down-to-earth feel about it, and a light-heartedness which sucks you in. Its moments are well judged, and desired effects seem to hit the mark at every point. I think this may have been branded as a comedy, but it was much more a coming of age film for me, which captures the spirit in its highs and lows with an affliction so unfortunate and devastating, for so many.