Sunday, June 19, 2011


YOHEI VERDICT: 7 out of 10
Cate shooting at birds... epitome of evil
Killer kid assassins are so much fun. They look so innocent, cute and fragile on the outside, then bam, bam, bam, dead, dead, dead. Cool. So cool in fact, that I've decided if I'm ever charged in some unlikely event with raising a child, I'm gonna train them to be a CIA Assassin as well. Then, if anyone is mean to me... excellent.

There are many things, that make this film more than just a one-trick pony as I've suggested above. It is complimented by 2 of Aussies finest (god I hate saying that), in Blanchett and Bana, shot against an array of awesome backdrops, and has a great score by the Chemical Brothers.  Saoirse (killer kid) also holds the film together well, and Joe Wright keeps it fresh throughout, never afraid to throw is camera around & cut and chop with uninhibited will.

Very well made.

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