Hiruni is a voraciously passionate girl, extremely comfortable and forthright in art of carnal expression. She does not believe in strangers, and likes getting to know people, before she gets to know them. She'll often encourage these tendencies with the odd cocktail or five, in any given outing. She pretends to like cultural things like art and galleries, but is unequivocally visceral in her true tastes and desires. Some people think that her ability to see only in 2-dimensions makes her seem more drunk than she actually at such times, but the truth is she is actually completely off her face. In this state she becomes a sort of infantile incredible hulk. An uncontrollable blur of slur and volatility, incapacitated to a point where simple functions become complex ordeals. This inevitably ends in violence for those trying to assist. Innocent bystanders victim to their own good will. Apart from all that, Hiruni is a well balanced and decent human being.
Hiruni Facts:
Age: 22
Ethnicity: Little Indian
Likes: Men (old), Women (tall)(short)(with curves)(slimline)(blonde)(brunette)(fiery red)(ethic)(white)... (more but I'm going to stop it there), pot plants
Favourite Event: Mardi Gras
Favourite film genre: Blue movies
Personal Strengths: Somehow has a really tall young sister
Age: 22
Ethnicity: Little Indian
Likes: Men (old), Women (tall)(short)(with curves)(slimline)(blonde)(brunette)(fiery red)(ethic)(white)... (more but I'm going to stop it there), pot plants
Favourite Event: Mardi Gras
Favourite film genre: Blue movies
Personal Strengths: Somehow has a really tall young sister
Featured Travels: Paris